Thing # 20 Earthquake Bridgeport, Illinois, 4-18-2008

Thing # 21 "The Rose Bette Midler"

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Thing # 23: Wrapping Up

The favorite thing I learned about was the "" site. I can place the websites I pull up continuosly in one place. It is like a library of websites just for me.

The thing I liked least about Web 2.0 is having to register with a name and password for each activity. We are warned to not use the same name/password, but using different ones gets confusing to me as to which name/password goes to which service.

I think the library should get more involved in helping prople to understand how to evaluate the websites on the internet for authority, accuracy, and reliability of information and that some sites are conversational in nature rather than authoritative sources of information.

As of yet I have not shared any Web 2.0 services with friends or family. I plan to use some of the services at home on my own computer, and I will share what I am doing with my husband and with my daughters and with some people from my church.

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